Test drive the new Haval H9. Is the hard-core SUV involved again? BitautoOriginalIbelieveeveryoneisfamiliarwiththeHa
Geely Haoyue adds automatic premium model, priced at 120,600 yuan OnDecember27,GeelyHaoyue’snewmodel,theautomaticpre
The best choice for home use, new Tiguan L daily car experience BitautooriginalTiguanLiscurrentlyawellknownSUVinth
Authorizes Thai company to use CTP technology CATL deploys in ASEAN Recently,itwasofficiallylearnedthatCATLrecentlysig
Two new models of Beijing BJ60 are launched, priced at 245,800-276,800 yuan ItwasrecentlylearnedthattwonewmodelsoftheBeijingBJ
GAC Trumpchi M8 Master super hybrid version launched, priced at 266,800 yuan OnMay31,theGACTrumpchiM8Mastersuperhybridversionwa
The "Guardian Angel" of driving safety - Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Inlateautumn,theweatherturnscold Duetothelargetemp
Good looks, intelligence, performance PLUS Auchan X5 PLUS highlights analysis BitautoOriginalWhenitcomestoPLUS,ourfirstimpressio
Dongfeng Fengshen Haoji starts pre-sale, price starts from 126,900 yuan DongfengFengshenHaojistartspresalestoday,pricedat1